Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Where'd You Come Up With That?! ~ Wednesdays! "Secrets Never Die"


 "Secrets Never Die" is a flash fiction story written for a little contest on I came up with the idea because people always say they take secrets to the grave. That means no one will ever find out, right? 

In my story, this is not true. Aunt Beatrice ain't taking nothing with her! She comes back to spill all the tea. 

If you believe in life after death, then you should never believe someone's promise to take your secret to the grave! Especially someone who has years of gossip bottled up inside. 

Maybe secrets are never safe. 👀 I've posted the story below if you'd like to read it! 

Secrets Never Die

Susan’s delightful dream of relaxing on a beach in Hawaii surrounded by scantily clad natives was interrupted by a visit from her Aunt Beatrice.

 “Susan. Susan,” she whispered.

 “Aunt Beatrice?” Susan rubbed her eyes.

 “Yes, dear. It's me.” Beatrice sat with her legs crossed, hovering at the foot of Susan's bed.

 “I can't believe you're here.”

 “Look at me! I can cross my legs again. The old arthritis is gone. It isn't so bad on the other side.”

 “I'm happy to see you've adjusted so well to death.”

 “I have so much to tell you, dear.” Beatrice flashed a mischievous smile.

 Susan scooted closer to Beatrice. It would have to be important since she was visiting from the great beyond.

 “You remember Aunt Sally, don't you?”

 “Yeah.” Susan leaned forward, curious as to what her aunt had to say.

 “Well, she used to be Uncle Sal, and remember how your grandmother won all those blue ribbons at the fair for her homemade pies?”

 “Yeah, her cherry pie was my favorite.”

 “Well, she used a store-bought crust. And, you remember we were all surprised that your cousin Lenny's baby was so cute? He didn't get Lenny's big banana nose.”

 “Lenny?” Susan thought for a minute. “Oh yeah!” She started to giggle.

 “That's not even his baby. His wife had an affair, and you know how Mr. Brown said his wife ran off with another man?

 “Oh, I remember, he was so upset.”

 “She didn’t really run off, she’s taking a long nap under his new swimming pool. And, the young lady-”

 “Uh, Aunt Beatrice, I hate to interrupt, but why are all these things important enough for a visit from beyond?”

 “Important? Honey, I didn't say they were important. I promised to take these secrets to my grave, but I never promised what I'd do with them once I got here,” Beatrice chuckled.

 “How many secrets do you have bottled up?” Susan asked.

 “Oh, about fifty years’ worth.”

 “Okay. Let me get comfortable. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night."

Happy Reading! 

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