Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dad and Mom~ I Miss Them~

 The loss of a loved one is never easy. And just recently our family lost another brother. 

We lost both our parents to cancer. Mom died in  July 2013 and Dad in September 2014. I'd like to share a couple of poems for my parents who are gone from this earth but loved and thought of every day. 

Writing helps me cope and also knowing our creator has plans for us all beyond the here and now. I'll see them again! 💞

Daddy Did You Know?

Daddy, did you know you are stronger than superman

 more intelligent than Einstein, and funnier than Carson?

Your stories, more captivating than Shakespeare's.

A beautiful Mozart symphony can’t compare to your laughter.  

In this daughter’s eyes, you’re perfection.

A Mother's Love

A mother doesn't have to say, "I love you." 

It’s felt with every

Kiss on the forehead to check for a fever,

late-night trek to the bedroom to check for monsters under the bed,

bandage lovingly placed on a boo-boo,

and the proud look in her eyes with each new milestone achieved.

And one for my big brother we recently lost. 💔

God Saw Your Pain

God saw that your pain and sorrow 

was too much for you to carry on.

He knew you needed comfort that only the Father could give His son. 

So, as you closed your eyes and drifted off to rest, 

God embraced you as you drew your final breath.

We mourn our loss, 

but find comfort in knowing you are set free.

And wish you could have stayed longer

but understand that it wasn’t meant to be.

Happy Sunday! 

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