Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rejection Is a Four Letter Word!


If you're a writer, I'm sure you'll agree that rejection is a four-letter word. No one likes rejection, and when you're a writer it's a normal part of everyday life. 

At first, I let rejection get me down. I doubted my ability to write. I've taken long breaks, but I always come back to writing. I love it! 

So, I don't deal with it the way I used to.

I used to take every rejection to heart until I had an epiphany. The editors, the people behind the rejection letters, are just opinions. What one editor doesn't accept, there are many more editors out there with differing opinions. 

I can't expect every person to like every story or book I write. It takes work to find the right editor, publication, and the right audience. 

So, I'll read the rejection. If it comes along with some notes and suggestions, I also consider them. But, at the end of the day, it's my story and if I like it, somewhere in this large world other people might love it, too!

Everyone has opinions and that's okay. I'll keep writing and remember rejections are one person's perspective.

Happy Reading!

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