Wednesday, August 21, 2024

More updates!

More updates!

I'm writing to post about my most recent publication in the April issue of 100 Subtexts Magazine. Thanks to the editor, John Harper, for including my shape poem, Time, along with other wonderful talented writers. 

You can find the issue here: 100subtexts Magazine issue 21


In other news! Stories to Wrap Your Mind Around: Volume 6 will go live on Amazon Kindle on September 1st. 

Taste of Freedom

Phyllis finds the perfect ingredient for her stew and gets her taste of freedom.

Hunting the Scullywiggins

The last memory Ben has is hunting the scullywiggins. He awakes to find he’s being detained in an unfamiliar location.

Give It a Few Days

Cheryl may have a valid reason for rejecting the truth.

East of Omaha

A case of mistaken identity that is truly twisted and unfortunate.

The Crayon Box

Even though he may seem innocent, this young boy has a distorted sense of fun.

More updates coming soon!

Happy Reading!

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