Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year's Resolution?

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but this year I've decided to try it. I am someone who starts projects and I either take forever to finish them or they are left unfinished. This is because I start something new before finishing up what I've started. Then I have so many things I want to finish, I get overwhelmed and don't get anything done. So, starting today, I have begun to prioritize my writng projects and make a list them, so I can decide which one to start first and work my way down and not start anything new until these are finished.
But...I always have all these new ideas, so this is where my journal comes in. I am going to jot down ideas and things to keep track of ideas, until I am ready to work on them. With all that being said. I've chosen to finish my YA Kindle single, "Alfred C. Bogeyman," first. I plan to have the story edited and ready for release in March. I've created the cover and I'm going to spend the next couple of months editing and getting feedback from my critiquing sources.
I have to start being a better planner, so things aren't rushed.
Here is a sneak peak at the cover for "Alfred C. Bogeyman"

Happy Reading! And Good luck to everyone with their New Year's Resolution.

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