Monday, August 1, 2011

Lots of news today...

First the August issue of Fictitious Magazine is ready to read. Stop by and enjoy some beautifully written short stories and poems.

The Goodreads giveaway starts today to win a signed copy of Tales From Imagination's Closet. Looks like there are already quite a few entries. :) I have a link to the right for those who want to enter =>

Update on The Peanut Buttor Tweatment! Got my files formatted for Createspace and waiting on a proof copy. I may publish through there instead of Lulu. I can sell the books at a cheaper price, which makes me happy. I am still working on Kindle or eReader formats when I can. I've spent my whole morning working on a terribly time consuming monster of a freelance assignment that I will never do again unless I am paid more for it. It just wasn't worth my time.

Sorry! Starting to rant!

This afternoon I plan to work on the stories for my next anthology of short stories, Stories to Wrap Your Mind Around. Look for it next March!

Happy Reading!

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