Thursday, December 19, 2013

Memoir Writing

I write everyday, but I do a great deal of ghostwriting for blogs and websites, so I have content published all over the internet-it just doesn't have my name attached to it, with the exception of the gardening articles I write for SF Gate Gardening, Ehow Gardening and Modern Mom Magazine. I do have a byline for these.

While I do enjoy writing the gardening articles, because I love gardening, it's not my what I want to spend all my time doing. The ghostwriting covers a variety of topics, so that work can be interesting, too. But, I want to write fiction stories, and I like to write about real life events. I wrote a memoir for an assignment in college about my dad, and how he tells an embarrassing story about my childhood. He actually has stories about all us kids, and there are eight of us, so he has plenty of stories, but this one incident he tells about me as a child always embarrassed me, until I got older and realized, I do the the same thing to my girls.

The Bloomin' Dog Story is a memoir about this story, and how as I got older, I was better able to understand why Dad tells these stories about his children. This are stories that are close to his heart. So, I published this story on Yahoo. You can read it here. Yahoo gives me a platform to write a variety of articles, poems and stories, so I plan to use it as a way to publish what I want to write and share with others.

I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Reading!

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