Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

Lately I have been so caught up in Facebook posts and all sorts of other online distractions that I have again fallen behind on my writing projects. So, I've decided to do some spring cleaning, and made myself a brand new Facebook page that is strictly for writing not gossip, breaking news, or funny cat pictures. It's clear of games and any other distractions that once haunted me daily. I think, now, I may be less likely to check it so often.

Now that I have the clutter behind me, I can start working on my book everyday. It is so close to being ready for the editor. Right now, it's scheduled for June...if I can stay focused. Tomorrow, I will post the cove for Stories to Wrap Your Mind Around my next anthology of sci-fi, fantasy and spec-fic short stories. But, tonight I must work to make sure it's done on time.

My new Facebook: Click here
My new Twitter @AuthorMAllman

Happy Reading!

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